Over the past few days, many of our subscribers have asked for the product to be used in bathing pets, particularly dogs. Dogs are infested with ticks and for that matter, regular bathing with a shampoo meant to help the dog is important. A bit about dogs, they are used as a pet in most homes not because of being a pet but because of security. About 90 percent of homes in Ghana do have dogs for security reasons. Even in the free-range homes, there are dogs to guard the home. Again, in most rural communities, these animals are used to hunt for meat in the bushes
It is therefore important to take very good care of this pet starting with bathing. You will require a product that can ride off any parasite. This shampoo recipe is to help the dog get moisturized fur and enhance the growth of the fur whiles riding the dog of any ticks or other parasites. Let us get into it.
As we have always mentioned, our recipe ingredients are not the only ingredients to be used in preparing a product. We have used the following ingredients to prepare this moisturizing dog shampoo. You can add any other ingredient that you deem fit and good to prepare the product.
- Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES) (Base) 25 grams
- Sodium Chloride (Salt) 20 grams
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (Booster) (SLS) 10 grams
- Carboxymethyl Celluslose (Thickener) 8 grams
- Sodium Benzoate (Preservative) 8 grams
- Glycerin 30 ml
- Mono Propylene glycol 20 ml
- White Vinegar 30 ml
In making your dog shampoo or even ordinary liquid soap, shampoo for hair, and bathing gel, you will need some equipment to make the soap. It must also be noted that these equipment are too used solely for the production of soap as well as detergent and not to be mixed with the household equipment.
Measuring scale
For accuracy and a good product, you will need a measuring scale or weighing scale to measure the ingredients. It is easy to get a measuring scale on the market or you can equally order the measuring as well as any other equipment from us here
Calibrated Cups
As you need a measuring scale, you will also need calibrated measuring cups to assist the measuring scale. For some reason, some people understand measuring liquid ingredients like oil and water by mileage and not gram. So if you are one of those people, you will need the measuring cup.
You will stir the shampoo when you are making it. So you will need the spatula to do the stirring. Commonly, the wooden spatula is always recommended if you are using this a business. Of course, you are using the plastic spatula but the quantity you are making at a go will determine the type of stirring rod to be used.
Plastic bowl
It is best to stick to using plastic bowl in all your soap and detergent making business for the home use. Do not use equipment like silver because of the salt that you will be using. In the absence of plastic bowl, you can resort to using glass jar.
By following this process or instructions given below, you should be able to produce the dog shampoo with ease without any problem. You can equally adjust the measurement of the ingredients to produce the quantity you want.
Measure your ingredients
You must measure all your ingredients first before you start the preparation of the product. Weighing or measuring the ingredients first helps to be organized to help you finish the product making very fast and with ease. It also gives you the idea about the quantity of water to be used in making this product. As you can see the quantity to be used in this recipe was not stated even the quantity of the ingredients have been measured. Keep reading to find out.
Put ingredient into your bowl
The ingredients are two forms – solid and liquid – you must always be all the solid ingredients into your bowl first, work with it before you add the liquid ingredients. It would be bad putting all ingredients into the bowl at ones but because of the liquid ingredients do have some effect on solid ingredients. Measuring the ingredients are stated up there can help solve this problem but as a beginner in this formulation business, you must understand what you are doing to get what you want.
Add water and stir
After mixing all the solid ingredients in the bowl, it is now time to add water to it. You will have to add the water to the mixture in bits. Whiles, you add the water, you should be measuring and keeping track of it to know how much you have added to get the consistency you have. This is very important for you as a beginner in the formulation process. This applies to all thick and foaming liquid detergents.
Add addictive ingredients
After getting the consistency in terms of thickness you want with the product, then you add the liquid ingredients which most of them are just addictive. For instance, a fragrance that does not do any work in the product except give the product some sort of pleasant smell. It must also be noted that the fragrance has some effect on the thickness of the product. If you put in too much fragrance, the product could become watery which you may not like.
Leave it to settle
After making the product you will need to leave it for the foam on it to settle. Deepening the thickness of the product as well as the quantity produced can take up to 24 hours for you to get a very clear product for packaging. This will help you get the actual weight and volume you want for the product.
Package your product
Packaging is very important as far as marketing is concerned. We will discuss packaging in detail in our next post. Pour the product into the bottles you have secured for the product.
Take home
Making this product can become a second income for you as it doesn’t take time to do it and also does not require sophisticated machinery to do this product and other detergents. You must make sure to put ingredients away from the reach of children and also other family members. You should have a safe place to keep the chemicals.