Cucumber has packed with an enormous nutrients to cure the skin of diseases and also lighting up the skin. In this recipe we provide with the step by step means of using this wonderful vegetable to make soap to lighting your skin and help treat pimples and acne on your face. If you follow the steps outlined in the post, you should be able to produce this soap without any problem.


  1. Caustic Soda              40 grams
  2. Cucumber                  1 piece
  3. Palm kernel oil          300 grams
  4. Water                         125 grams
  5. Glycerin                    50 grams



  1. Blend your cucumber and sieve out the juice from it
  2. Soak your caustic soda in the cucumber juice and allow it to cool
  3. Pour your caustic soda  your oil and stir very
  4. Add your glycerin and stir very well
  5. Now pour into your mold
  6. Your done!



There are varieties of soaps. This soap get its name because of its nature and the amount of glycerin used in making this soap. This post or article provides with the step by step guide to making this wonderful product for either business or for home use. If you follow the steps outlined in this post, you should be able to make this product without a problem.


  1. Caustic Soda                     70 grams
  2. Coconut oil                        45 grams
  3. Stearic Acid                      20 grams
  4. Alcohol                            135 grams
  5. Glycerin                            135 grams
  6. Water for Caustic Soda      25 grams
  7. Sugar                                 135 grams
  8. Water for Sugar                 65 grams


  1. Mix your caustic soda with water, stir and set it aside for it to cool down
  2. Mix your sugar with water to make sugar syrup
  3. Now put your coconut oil and stearic acid on fire and allow it to melt
  4. Now add your caustic soda to it and stir very well
  5. It will become lumpy....Do not worry
  6. Add your sugar syrup to it and stir....It will be best to use an electric hand mixer or blender
  7. Now add your glycerin and alcohol to it and stir very well
  8. Put the your soap back on fire and allow it to be on fire for about 30 minutes
  9. Sprinkle some alcohol on it to take away the foam
  10. Now pour soap into your mold.
  11. Your done!


Azuma Blow is a common soap in Ghana used by the local people for dishwashing and laundry. In the past, this soap was the cheapest soap. However, in recent times, Azuma blows soap has become one of the expensive soap in Ghana. As we have share a recipe on this soap earlier, this recipe is an updated version of the earlier post. There is variation and for the purpose of business, you can try the methods to see which will be cost effective for you.


  1. Caustic Soda             52 grams
  2. Palm oil                    371 grams
  3. Ash Soda light          100 grams
  4. Water                        127 grams


  1. Measure your palm oil and put it on fire to bleach it.
  2. After bleaching, bring it down and allow it to cool down.
  3. Now soak your caustic soda in your water and allow that one to cool down
  4. Mix your ash soda with the oil and stir for it to become somehow thick
  5. Add your caustic soda solution to the mixture and stir very well
  6. Your soap will become very thick after some few stirs
  7. Put on your gloves and start to mold the soap into round shapes
  8. Put the soap at a very cool place for it to dry
  9. You are done!


Vitamin C serum is believed to have anti-aging effect. Vitamin C can help heal blemishes, reduce hyper-pigmentation, and give your skin an out-of-this-world glow. In this recipe, we provide you with the step-by-step approach to making water-based vitamin c serum.


  1. Aloe vera gel                 100 grams
  2. Vitamin C powder         100 grams
  3. Almond oil                     5 ml
  4. Lavender oil                   5 ml
  5. Glycerin                         30 ml
  6. Polysorbate 20               5 ml
  7. Water                             100 ml


  1. Pour your water into your bowl and add your vitamin C powder and stir very well. Ensure that, the vitamin c powder mixes well with the water.
  2. Now add your aloe vera gel and stir very well
  3. Add your glycerin and polysorbate 20 and stir very well.
  4. Add your essential oils and stir very well
  5. Pour into your bottle and keep in a cool place
  6. You are done!

How to make Carrot-Shea Butter Soap for Pimples and Acnes

Carrot juice provides vitamin C and beta carotene, two antioxidants that may protect your skin from damage. Vitamin C is also necessary for the production of collagen, which strengthens skin. Shea butter on the other hand works like an emollient. It might help soften or smooth dry skin.Shea butter also contains substances that can reduce skin swelling. This might help treat conditions associated with skin swelling such as eczema. This recipe provides with you with the steps to using these two wonderful ingredients to make a soap to help fight acne and pimples.



  1. Caustic Soda          70 grams
  2. Shea butter             550 grams
  3. Carrot                    80 grams
  4. Glycerin                30 grams



  1. Blend your carrot and sieve out the juice from it for you soap
  2. Add your caustic soda to the carrot juice and stir very well for it cool down
  3. Melt your shea butter and bring it down from the fire
  4. Add your caustic soda to the shea butter and stir for it to trace
  5. When it trace, add your glycerin to and stir very well.
  6. Pour into your soap into your mold.
  7. You're done!



As we have established in our earlier post, babies have sensitive skin and scalp and therefore, care must be taken when preparing products to enhance their hair growth and also nourish their skin. In this recipe, we outline some ingredients and some steps to produce hair growth oil for babies. If you follow the steps as outlined, you should be able to produce this hair oil without any problem. Let's get into it.


RELATED POST: How to make baby shampoo



  1. Coconut oil                     15 ml
  2. Olive oil                         15 ml
  3. Tea tree oil                     0.75 ml (15 drops)  
  4. Lavender oil                   0.75 ml (15 drops) 
  5. Almond oil                     0.75 ml (15 drops) 
  6. Orange oil                      0.75 ml (15 drops)  


RELATED POST: How to make baby shampoo



  1. Measure your carrier oils (Coconut and Olive oil) into your bottle or container
  2. Add your essential oils and shake the bottle well
  3. You are done with your oil.