As I have mentioned in my earlier post, I am not a catering prof but I really love cooking. Well maybe I am a prof in my kitchen. lol. Today, I want to share with you how I prepare pineapple juice for the family. It is quite simple and natural, no addictive. But as I have said and as it is the motive of our organization to create job opportunities for the youth around the world, this recipe can be used to make business. I am available to provide you the assistance you need to turn this recipe into business. But please try this recipe at home and you are going to love it. Now let us get to do the pineapple juice.


We are going to use just 3 ingredients to make our pineapple juice. But if you think you can add some other ingredients, sure you can because you might be creating something new. Sugar is optional.

  1. Pineapple                         1 big size
  2. Lemon                             1 big size
  3. Ginger                             A small piece - Actually the ginger quantity will depend on how you want it
  4. Sugar                             Optional



Step 1

Wash and peel you pineapple. After peeling slice them into piece, add the ginger and then use a blender to blend it. There are some device that can be used to squeeze the juice out of the pineapple but hey if you don't have those devices or machines, kindly use your blender. It works perfectly well.

Step 2 

Using a cheesecloth or anything that can help you to squeeze out the juice leaving the fiber or chaff. I prefer the cloth used to sieve hausa koko. It works well for me. But if you don't have it, you can even use a fresh kitchen napkin to do the juicing.

Step 3

Add your lemon to the juice for taste. It is completely optional but you can add it to get a little sourness in your juice to make it very tasty. If you want sugar, you can add it at this stage.

Step 4

You are done preparing your pineapple juice. Freeze and then serve!

If you follow the process very well, you should be able to prepare PINEAPPLE JUICE without any problem. If you want to use it for business…kindly call me on 0541678743.

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