How to make Stretchmarks Cream


Stretchmark is very common in most women and young girls. It can be caused by many factors and some of these factors are pregnancy, weight gain, and the use of some cosmetics like lotions and creams. Some of these conditions are very severe which appears to be some sort of scar on the skin. There are various means of treating this problem but the best solution to these stretchmarks is to prevent it from occurring on your body or finding a solution to it at its early stage.

There are various creams, oil, and lotions out there for treating this condition and we are adding our solution to the numerous solutions out there. You can try our recipe to prepare a cream to help treat these conditions. You can the video tutorial here.



  1. Cocoa Butter                      30 grams
  2. Mango Butter                    30 grams
  3. Shea Butter                        30 grams
  4. Emulsifying Wax               20 grams
  5. Coffee powder                 15 grams
  6. Water                                   100 ml
  7. Sodium Benzoate            5 grams

As we have always indicated in our recipes, you can add any other ingredients that you know it is good for the skin and can help treat the condition.



  1. Put your saucepan on the fire and add your water to it.
  2. Add your shea butter, cocoa butter, emulsifying wax, and mango butter to it and allow it to melt
  3. After melting, bring it down from the fire and allow it to cool down
  4. Use an electric hand mixer to stir for easy mixing.
  5. Add your preservative or sodium benzoate to it and stir very well
  6. Add your coffee powder to it and stir
  7. You can add water if you want
  8. You are done!



Stretchmark is easy to treat at the early stage and so this recipe is very effective in treating your stretch marks. If you follow the recipe provided above duly, you should be able to prepare this product without any problem.

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