Carbolic Soap is used in Ghana and other country as a disinfecting soap due to the carbolic acid. In this recipe we provide with the step by step means of making this soap either for home use or for commercial purpose. We advise you to contact us if you want it for business. If you follow the steps outlined in the post, you should be able to produce this soap without any problem.


  1. Caustic Soda              40 grams
  2. Palm kernel oil          300 grams
  3. Carbolic acid             15 grams
  4. Red Oil Color            A pinch
  5. Naphthalene                15 grams
  6. Pine oil                      15 grams
  7. Water                         125 grams
  8. Glycerin                    50 grams



  1. Mix your palm kernel oil with your red oil color
  2. Add your naphthalene to it and stir very well
  3. Soak your caustic soda in water and allow it to cool
  4. Pour your caustic soda  your oil and stir very
  5. Add your glycerin and stir very well
  6. Add your pine oil to the mixture and stir very well.
  7. Now pour into your mold
  8. Your done!

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