Our motive is to create employment for the unemployed who have access to the internet as we deal in person with those that do not have access to the internet. Vaseline is one of the products used very well during the dry season in Ghana.

This recipe gives you the step by step approach to producing your own vaseline at home or you can use this for business. As we have always recommended, call us to discuss the product very well. Follow the ingredients and steps below.


  1. Petroleum jelly               60 grams
  2. Lanolin                          10 grams
  3. Shea butter                    25 grams
  4. Lavender oil                 20 grams
  5. Mineral oil                    30 grams


  1. Using the double boiling approach (place a saucepan with water on fire and place a bowl inside) to melt the shea butter, petroleum jelly and the lanolin
  2. Allow it to melt and bring it down
  3. Add your mineral oil and stir very well
  4. Add your lavender oil and stir very well.